Working Genius

Work in your genius.

I’ve been on this hunt to help at the intersection of wellness and work. What’s fascinating is that while loneliness is now an epidemic, recognition disproportionately counteracts a person’s doubts and desire to leave the team. So what actually helps us care and keep our best people at work? What keeps you enjoying your job? Unleashing people to work in their GENIUS and knowing what brings each person on the team joy, energy, and fulfillment.


Most assessment tests are based solely on personality. What sets this assessment apart is the Working Genius test is 20% personality and 80% productivity for you and your team. It’s the most accessible and affordable way to discover your gifts and move your team towards productivity.

What’s Different?

Anyone who is looking to understand your gifts and what makes you frustrated in order to experience joy, energy, and fulfillment in your work. This assessment is helpful to help you enjoy your job, improve your hiring process, maximize your meetings, and unleash your team’s potential. 

Who Is It For?

What’s The Investment?

10 minutes and $25. Free individual assessment debrief included!

Can My Whole Team
Do This?

Yes! I offer Individual Working Genius Assessment and Team Working Genius Facilitation.

Confirm Your Genius 🤯

Drop your email below and I’ll reach out with more info.