
Life is a series of intersections.

These intersections are actually invitations to help you grow forward. And, I believe in you! I believe that you want to experience life well and lead others towards that same wellness. Coaching gives you a person in your corner to help you gain clarity, grow courage, and go with greater capacity.

Gain Clarity

Awareness & Aha! Moments

Where are you stuck and want to succeed?

Grow Courage

Learn & Practice

What skills can we learn and practice to achieve this together?

Go With Greater Capacity

Implement & Move

What is a practical and implementable plan for life’s expected & unexpected rhythms to keep you moving forward?

Coaching Services

Coaching to uniquely fit your season of life and leadership.

Working Genius 

Exercise and Nutrition 

Emotionally Healthy 

Spiritual Life 

Wellness At Work 

Church Leadership 

Navigating Ministry Challenges

Leading Others Out Of Strengths 

Coaching Packages

Monthly Executive

Every leader faces challenges, doubts and fears. The best leaders have self awareness and choose to move towards others and growth. During monthly calls with Jackie, together you will uncover where you are stuck and develop strategies for lasting momentum. 

Integrated Life Intensive

Life was meant to live whole and full at the intersection of wellness and work. Learn how to integrate heart, mind, body and soul with your unique purpose and calling.

Team Performance

A team that trusts each other has the potential to produce results in an enduring and extraordinary way. Jackie offers team workshops, keynote speeches, and Working Genius to help your team perform at their best.